Classnotes: 01/17/2008
We first revised the first four gaathas of the chapter 1. Then, we discussed the fifth gaatha in detail, and started discussion on the sixth gaatha in today’s class.
One can follow two different ways to attain nischay samyak-charitra: a) attain the monkhood, and then work on improving the nischay samyak-darshan; or b) attain the nischay samyak-darshan first, and then attain the monkhood.
Second Gaatha:
Two types of samyak-darshans:
a) Vyavhar samyak-darshan: true faith in seven tatvas. It is a sadhan that helps to attain nishchay samyak-darshan.
b) Nishchay samyak-darshan: true faith in the soul. All the wrong beliefs will permanently disappear. In general, a samyakdrasti will be down to earth, and compassionate. This state shows one’s internal and external charitra.
Q. What is tatvarth?
A. Tatvarth = tatva + arth
Tatva = tat + tva
Tat: related to
Tva: existence
Tatva: properties of the object that proves the existence of the object
Arth: object
Thus, tatvarth means the object and its properties, and samyak-darshan is the true belief in tatvarth.
Classification of samyak-darshan based on the charitra:
a) Sarag samyak-darshan: this is in the shravak avastha
b) Vitrag samyak-darshan: this is in the muni avastha
Properties of samyak-drasti:
a) Prasham:
The intensity of kashay is very negligible in the prasham state. So, even if the anantanubandhi kashay is in uday, the bhav and parinam may become pratyakanavarniya type.
Examples of types of kashay:
· anantanubandhi: it takes ages for a line drawn on a stone to go away
· apratyakhyanavarniya: it takes comparatively less time for a line drawn on the ground to go away
· pratyakhyanavarniya: it takes even less time for a line drawn on sand to go away
· samjwalan: it takes no time for a line drawn on water to go away
b) Samveg:
Detachment from the material world; and, attachment in vitragta
c) Aanukampa:
Compassion for others is aanukampa. Two types:
a) Lokik aanukampa: to feel the suffering of others
b) Parlokik aanukampa: to feel the sufferings of the others and the self due to ignorance, attachment, and engrossment in the worldly pleasures.
d) Aastikya:
To believe in the form of the objects exactly as described in the aagams
Fourth gaatha:
a) Jeeva: whose quality is chetan
b) Aajeeva: whose quality is aachetan
c) Aashrav: the influx of karma
d) Bandh: mingling of jeeva and karma
e) Nirjara: process of shedding karma
f) Samvar: process of stopping the influx of karma
g) Moksh: pure state of jeeva with no karma attached
Q. How can we ascertain that one has developed true belief in seven tatvas?
A. When one starts feeling about attending to monks; strongly feels the want to attain the moksh; shows extreme levels of compassion for the aashrav and bandh with respect to others and for the self.
Fifth gaatha:
Samyak-darshan, etc. and Jeeva, etc. are described and mapped using:
a) Naam: To name something in order to conduct the worldly business, even though it doesn’t have the properties generally attributed to the name is naam nikshep. For example, if some parents name their child Indra, that child may not necessarily possess virtues generally associated with Indra.
b) Sthapna: to establish some thing in object is sthapna nikshep. For example, naming a wooden piece on the chessboard as ‘horse’ is sthapna. Two types: a) tadakar: to create the idol of the jinendra in a metal, and b) aatadakar: to create a wooden piece for a chessboard with the face of horse.
c) Dravya: the objects that holds future state of something is dravya nikshep. For example, calling a piece of metal, a ‘jinendra’, that will be used in the future to create an idol of jinendra.
d) Bhav: the objects that holds current state of something is bhav. For example, to call an Indra, the lord of heaven, Indra is bhav nikshep.
The naam, sthapna, and dravya nikshep are with respect to dravya-nay, while, bhav nikshep is with respect to paryay-nay. The purpose of describing these niksheps is to prevent misinterpretation of the samyak-darshan, etc. and jeeva, etc.
Sixth Gaatha:
To learn and understand things based on praman and nay. To be discussed in details in the next class.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
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Very well summarized Vishal Bhai.
ReplyDeleteSome comments: "One can follow two different ways to attain samyak-charitra: a) attain the monkhood, and then work on improving the samyak-darshan; or b) attain the samyak-darshan first, and then attain the monkhood."
Actually Vyavhar Samyagdarshan is needed in order to attain Monkhood. However Nishchaya Samyakdarshan is can be worked upon later or ealier. So your statement ic correct for Nishchaya Samyakdarshan. You may want to append that adjective 'Nishchaya' before samyak-darshan to make it consistent with scripture.
Shrish Ji, I have made the corrections.